Success Stories
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Cured Case of Severe Joint Pain & Uric Acid
Patient Yogesh Mishra There has been a problem of uric acid and severe joint pain hereditary in my family and intake of protein caused it to increase but Dr. Shipra Mishra has done numerous wonderful treatments and the experience has been very great. I would like to thank Doctor Shipra for helping me out with this problem. I don’t face severe pain in my joints anymore. These homeopathic medicines are much more beneficial than any of the allopathy medicines.
Cured Case of Migraine
Patient : Pooja I have been facing severe problem of survical and migraine since past 10 years and no medication seemed to work but Dr. Shipra Mishra recommended me the homeopathic medicines and the treatment started more than 6 months ago, now i don't face problem of migraine attacks for span of months. Thanks a lot doctor!